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Green Oaks Primary Academy


Green Oaks Primary Academy is a mainstream Primary School and Nursery. The Academy no longer has a Designated Special Provision as, since 2017, the associated unit within the academy ceased to exist and a new Special School was opened in the local area named Purple Oaks Academy. This Academy is part of the Greenwood Academies Trust.

We work closely with the relevant external agencies to ensure that pupils get the right support within our mainstream setting here at Green Oaks Primary Academy. 
Read the Greenwood Academies SEN and Disability Policy here

Local Offer

Click here to access more information from Northamptonshire County Council.


Green Oaks Primary Academy SEND Information Report 2023 - 2024

For Adaptations made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEND


The purpose of this document is to clarify to Parents, Academy staff and Academy Advisory Councillors how the special educational needs of pupils are managed at Green Oaks Primary Academy and how the Greenwood Academies Trust policy is put into practice.


  • To effectively identify and assess the needs of all children
  • To set appropriate targets that accelerate progress
  • To monitor and review learning and raise achievement
  • To liaise with and involve parents and value their contribution to their child’s education
  • To listen and respect the views of the child

Green Oaks Primary Academy coordinates implementation of 'The Ranges' in coordination with West Northants Council.


The four types of of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

What should I do if my child has social, emotional or behavioural difficulties?

Children’s well-being is extremely important to us at Green Oaks and we use approaches which ensure that children feel happy and safe at school.

 If you are concerned about your child’s happiness, well-being or behaviour, either at school or at home, the first person to talk to is the class teacher, but any member of staff in school can be spoken to. Explain what you are worried about and anything you think might be affecting their well-being.

 The class teacher may speak to one of the following people in school.    The school Inclusion Leader and SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator), the school Pastoral/Family Support Worker or a senior teacher in school.

If the school has concerns about your child’s happiness, well-being or behaviour, they will discuss this with you, either at parents’ evening or by asking you to attend a meeting.  Meetings may be conducted face to face or sometimes over the telephone.

The types of difficulties that parents or teachers might be concerned about may include:

  • Children finding it difficult to make or maintain friendships
  • Children who appear disengaged or withdrawn in school
  • Children who appear to have emotional difficulties, such as crying easily or losing their temper
  • Children who find it hard to settle in class and are constantly talking, shouting out or fidgeting
  • Children who are overly dependent on some adults or peers
  • Children who find it difficult to adhere to the school’s behavioural expectations
  • Children who are hungry or tired and lethargic
  • children who are showing delays in their learning and/or development.

In school we take the view that a child’s behaviour is a way of communication and that we need to explore and understand what it is they are trying to communicate.

Identification of Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Green Oaks Primary Academy Admissions Policy

Identification of pupils with SEND will come from a range of sources:

  • Progress monitored by teachers as part of an ongoing observation and assessment that will identify differences between progress, attainment and achievement. This is monitored by the Inclusion Leader and senior leaders through team meetings, advice and support from the Inclusion Leader, and termly pupil progress meeting.
  • Progress made against the objectives specified in 'Development Matters' and the age related expectations of the National Curriculum.
  • Where necessary progress is measured using the assessment criteria as laid out in Pre-Key Stage Standards.
  • Standardised screening, assessments for specific learning difficulties, and assessment tools
  • Signposted from pre-school information and parental concerns
  • Concerns raised on entry to the Academy in any year group or concerns raised by previous school or early years setting.
  • Liaison with Local Authority or other outside agency professionals
  • Concerns raised because a child is under the care of the Local Authority


There is graduated response to meet pupil’s special educational needs through the Assess, Plan Do, Review cycle; should the adapted provision not appear to meet the needs of the child a specialist assessment may be sought by the academy.

Children In Care of the local authority can be assigned onto the pathway for assessment by an Educational Psychologist from the local authority service.  All Children In Care are provided for within educational settings with termly meetings between professionals and carers where a 'Personal Education Plan' is written and regularly reviewed, setting out personalised targets and school actions which support the well-being and development of the child.  The plan is shared with and evaluated by the local authority. Children In Care who have a special educational need are provided for in line with the Special Educational Needs policy. The Designated Teacher for Children In Care at Green Oaks Primary Academy is Miss Charlotte Johnson.

Universal Provision

  • High quality classroom teaching
  • Greater Depth focused learning activities
  • Interventions for pupils just below age related expectations
  • Adaptations to the working environment 
  • Chatterway in EYFS
  • Pre teaching sessions and vocabulary support
  • Class targeted support and adult support identified through class planning.
  • Differentiated or scaffolded curriculum learning
  • Pastoral worker liaising with outside agencies
  • School Nurse support
  • Zones of Regulation whole class teaching and learning

SEN Support and Education, Health and Care Provision

  • Interventions and additional support for children below age related expectations
  • Visual communications systems 
  • Targeted interventions in reading, writing and maths
  • Adaptations to the working environment including workstations and visual timetables and other visual prompts, seating and lighting.
  • Individual Education Plans - evaluated and reviewed termly (Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle)
  • Education, Health and Care Plans - Annually reviewed and shared with the local authority. EHCPs can be broken down further into termly IEP targets.
  • Pupil Profile strategy plans, transitional plans
  • Positive support plans
  • 1:1 reading support and targeted reading support
  • Protective Behaviours
  • Drawing and Talking programme
  • Chatterway speech and language development for early language acquisition in EYFS and lower KS1
  • Time to Talk
  • Language for Thinking
  • Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations
  • Behaviour support and self regulation - Zones of Regulation intervention groups
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Colourful Semantics for speech and language
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Fine and/or gross motor skills intervention
  • Toe-by-toe reading programme
  • Stareway to Spelling programmes
  • Accessibility arrangements
  • Liason and support from services, such as:
  • Hospital Outreach support for significant medical needs
  • School Nursing Team - NHS
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • SALT (speech and language therapy) – NHS
  • SALT (speech and language therapy)- consultancyr from 'Speakabout'
  • OT and physiotherapy support NHS
  • Community Paediatrician referral NHS
  • Teacher of the Deaf NHS
  • Teacher of Visually Impaired Children NHS
  • Send Support Service referral -local authority service

Progress and Achievement

Progress will be measured against the Age Related National Expectations. Where children have special educational needs and progress is achieved in smaller steps, the use of pre key stage standards for Years 2 and 6 will be used from Key Stage 1. The assessment and recording of progress is monitored termly.

It may be necessary to carry out extended, detailed assessments to inform the next stage of planning. These may involve external professionals where appropriate.

Assessment information and pupil progress are available to parents at reviews, parent consultations and termly reports.

Staff Development

Staff involved in SEND are:

  • Class Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants (TAs)
  • Pastoral support worker
  • Inclusion Leader/SENDCo
  • Deputy Principal
  • The Principal and Head of School

These staff  have experience in a range of SEND support needs, including:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Physical and Sensory needs
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Speech Language and Communication needs
  • Social, emotional, mental health and behavioural needs

Staff at Green Oaks Primary Academy have had training in the following areas:

PRICE Teach; Speech and Language; Play buddies; Phonics development; Manual Handling; Dyslexia; Precision Teaching; Protective Behaviours; Drawing and Talking; Lego Therapy; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; Zones of regulation; Chatterway; Zippy's Friend; Safer Recruitment; Designated teacher for Looked After Children; Early Help Assessment; Safeguarding.

The Academy staff liaise with additional outside agencies, including:

Educational Psychology -

Community Needs -

Social Care -

Autism Team -

SALT - -


Occupational Therapist -

Physio -

School Nurse -

We encourage all staff to take up training opportunities, attending relevant courses provided by the County Council and outside agencies to develop and upgrade skills and knowledge in SEND. Training needs are identified through CPD and at a whole school level via the SEF.

Contact Details for further information

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator – Miss Charlotte Johnson (Mon - Weds-Fri) - 01604 715249

Pastoral/Family Support

Family Support Worker - 01604 715249

The Academy has a pastoral system in place to support children with their social and emotional development. Each pupil has access to support from:

  • Pastoral Support Assistant
  • Class teachers
  • Teaching Assistant
  • SENDCo
  • Trained lunchtime supervisors

Our attendance, anti-bullying and behaviour and exclusion policies are available on our website.

Involving Parents and Children

Parents who have a concern about their child or who would like to discuss their child’s SEND provision should contact the class teacher in the first instance or the Inclusion Leader. If there are still concerns then a meeting may be arranged with the Principal.

Parents receive termly reports informing them of their child’s attainment and progress through parents' evening meetings. Parents are invited to termly parents’ evenings and to reviews with outside professional where appropriate. During parents' evenings the Inclusion Leader is available and times can be booked for a meeting.

When possible we involve children in the setting and reviewing of targets and provision.

For pupils with Individual Education Plans (IEP), teachers review these at least termly and meet with parents to discuss achievement of targets and next steps.


The Academy has a thorough transition plan for all pupils within Green Oaks for pupils on entry, pupils moving through the school and pupils moving on to their next provision.

 The Academy will liaise with transfer schools, pre-schools and other additional outside agencies before a child starts at the academy. An enhanced transition plan may be implemented if necessary.

Children moving to Secondary School will have a programme of transition organised by the Northampton Town Partnership. Some children will have an enhanced transition plan if parents and staff feel it is appropriate.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Class teachers alongside the Inclusion Leader will monitor and update children’s provision using the assess-plan-do-review cycle.

The Inclusion Leader will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating planning, practice and outcomes. This may involve focused classroom observations, staff meetings and reviews. Vulnerable groups such as pupil premium, Free School Meals (FSM), English as an Additional Language (EAL) etc. will be monitored, as will attendance and exclusion data for SEND pupils.

Activities Outside the classroom

Activities and school trips are available to all. Risk assessments are carried out and all reasonable adjustments are put in place to enable all children to participate as fully as possible. Any potential barriers will be discussed with parents.

Dated: September 2023

Review date: September 2024